Wednesday, 1 June 2011

concept of H bridge

H bridge is basically link between digital circuit to mechanical action. digital circuit such as microprocessor send digital command to the H bridge transistor according to our requirement and respectively mechanical system work. diagram for H bridge is shown below.

                                                                   fig 1.1
  on the above figure there are four transistor use and we use the properties of transistor as a switch. according to this when +5 v is apply on the base of the transistor then collector and Emitter get short so it basically act as relay there for this diagram also think as below fig1.2.

fig 1.2

for understanding  consider one fig1.3 as shown below.

fig 1.3

as shown above,consider one table.
                             A    B       direction
                             0     0        stop
                             0     1        forward
                             1     0        reverse
                             1     1        N/A

it can be use for design robot and any car designing. the best feature of this type of bridge is that by using this we can roted our car in smallest area.

if you fill any problem to design this plz comment below or mail me at

-- by amit moto

Friday, 13 May 2011

best link for electronic student

1.for basis of elctronic and how electronic device work click

2.for various tool softwares and component etc click

3.for elctronic circuit diagram etc click

for microcontroller how they programm and code ,write me on comment ,which controllor and which corresponding software you use for programm it then i will send u full link and any help. specially I help you atmega16 programm for both eclipse and CV AVR software.

Thursday, 28 April 2011


TSOP stand for thin small outline package. it is used to catch or receive infra red signal at specific frequency. its demodulated output is directly decoded with microprocessor and it support major transmission codes.there are diffrent type of tsop sensor availble for diffrent carrier frequency...

      TYPE                 fo

TSOP1730             30KHz
TSOP1733             33KHz
TSOP1736             36KHz
TSOP1737             36.5KHz
TSOP1738             38KHz
TSOP1740             40KHz
TSOP1756             56KHz

but normally in market only TSOP1738 for 38 KHz are known and available.
figure of TSOP is


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

IR Transmittor or Receiver

we know that,for generating the infrared light we used IR diode, so it is used as transmittor.
for receiver we can use IR transistor.but it is used in rare case because sun light generate IR light which is also received by the IR transistor.
  so for recieving purpose we can use TSOP(thin small out line package).it can recieve only specific IR for specific frequency. for example TSOP 1738 it can only recieve IR light of 38 khz, therefor sun light not this reciever.
IR diode


basic electronic

 I am going to write blog on whole elctronic but I am strating with the basic of electronic.

Do you know what is diffrance between electonic and electrical? let me explain.

when electron flow in vacuum or in semicondutor then it is come in electronic and when electron flow in conductror it is come in electrical.
for example,
A tubelight is a electronic device because here elecron flow in vacuum where as a bulb is electrical device because here elecron flow in condutor medium.

this is the basic diffrance between in electronic and electrical system.


 fig1 Tubelight                                                                                                                     fig2  bulb

but now I am here for explaining the detail in electronic.
there are number of basic component in electronic and they are use for there diffrent purpose.
and diffrent sensor etc.

and many other component are use to making any elecronic circuit. I am going to explain all electronic compont in detail, how it work and how they use.


These do exactly what they say. they resist the flow of electrons. These are necessary for several reasons:
- they can control how much current goes down each wire
- they can control power usage
- they can control voltages (since current, resistance, and voltage are interrelated)

The last point is important as it is the basis of Ohm's law, V=IR. Voltage = Current x Resistance. For example, suppose you take a resistor and connect the two ends of a battery with it. You know that your battery is 9V (or whatever) and you know the resistor is 3Kohm (determined by the color stripes on the resistor), so 9V divided by 3Kohm is .003amps (3 milliamps). So why is this information useful? Well now that you know the current, you can determine other useful things such as power. P=IV. You will notice that if you increase resistance, you decrease current. If you decrease current, you decrease power use. Put a 1ohm resistor between the battery and it will get so hot it could burn because of the power use. Use a 100Kohm resistor and almost no power at all will be used.
      So about determining the value of a resistor, all resistors have the value labled on them. You will notice coloured stripes on the resistor. Each stripe means a certain number. This has been explained a billion times online already.I am again expalin it by figure of color coding of resistors and also how we can find magnitude of resistor by its colour.


first two colour decide the manitude of resistace and third colour decide the multiple of 10th and last one decide the tolarance of resistace.


in above figure.
black -0
red- 2
green- 10^5
 silver- +_10%

then the value of above resistor is 200Kohm with +_10% tolarace.