Wednesday 1 June 2011

concept of H bridge

H bridge is basically link between digital circuit to mechanical action. digital circuit such as microprocessor send digital command to the H bridge transistor according to our requirement and respectively mechanical system work. diagram for H bridge is shown below.

                                                                   fig 1.1
  on the above figure there are four transistor use and we use the properties of transistor as a switch. according to this when +5 v is apply on the base of the transistor then collector and Emitter get short so it basically act as relay there for this diagram also think as below fig1.2.

fig 1.2

for understanding  consider one fig1.3 as shown below.

fig 1.3

as shown above,consider one table.
                             A    B       direction
                             0     0        stop
                             0     1        forward
                             1     0        reverse
                             1     1        N/A

it can be use for design robot and any car designing. the best feature of this type of bridge is that by using this we can roted our car in smallest area.

if you fill any problem to design this plz comment below or mail me at

-- by amit moto